I put God in a box. A pretty, blue, large-sized box. Full of compartments where He could only oversee certain parts of my life at certain times. You get the gist, i.e. He’s in charge of the budget this month, or He’s in charge of my attitude this week. Very compartmentalized and on my terms. …
3 Things Every Person is Free to Do
Summer, our season of being free, is coming to a close. Each summer we take intentional time to hang out as a family. We only have so many summers with our kids and I hope to be able to enjoy each one. This means I put a lot of things on hold and just soak …
Letting Go of Others’ Opinions
2018 was a pivotal year for me where my perspective on others started to shift. As we have walked through this season, one of the fun lessons was learning to let go of what others think. A lot of people care about what others think and I’ve been one of those people. People love to …