I was recently sitting in the doctor’s office wondering how much I will weigh. I am concerned because they might call me obese. Being short in stature makes it hard when you are on the weight curve borderline. I am right in between normal and obese. What on earth does this have to do with …
Growing into 2021
The last few years have led me to write about growing into the next year. I personally look forward to what each new season will bring about. 2021 will be a year of not only change, but of release and healing. Such growth can only bring goods things as we navigate forward. Change Change is …
Apart from Faith
By Tina Hansen As a Christ follower, faith has been something I’ve claimed to possess for years. After all, how can you be a Christian without having faith? Do I believe, God incarnate came to earth to suffer and die as the only suitable sacrifice to reconcile a sinful people to the Father? Near the …