Book Following God


Corrie ten Boom said “I have learned in my years on earth to hold everything loosely because when I hold things tightly God has to pry my fingers away. And that hurts.”


Transition is something that I’ve had to learn to appreciate and embrace with each step of journey. My life has had several transitions – single to married to divorced to married again to infertility to becoming a mom for the first time. Each transition and time of change was necessary for me to grow. Growth is something that I’ve actually learned to enjoy even if it means heartache, change, joy or whatever fun adjective I get to understand about next. One thing I’ve discovered is there is the unseen hand of God moving in my life during these times. Change is hard, but God calls us to change because it is part of the sanctification process of becoming more like him.

Big lesson

The biggest lesson for me is realizing that I can’t do this on my own. Jesus can always cause transformation through transition, but sometimes I want to resist and go back to what’s familiar. In the midst of transition, I am not the one causing transformation. Doing it my way causes nothing to change in my life. You can’t get transformation on your own. When you end up feeling like you have nothing, Jesus always has something.

Discomfort in life leads to growth. These transitions are uncomfortable, but at times it’s the only way to bring about transformation. Look for those everyday moments of life at work. Meet God in those everyday situations – ask people how they know God in the ordinary. Most importantly, change your view. Where is the shore today? Are you looking toward heaven? Are you looking at tomorrow? Jesus will show you that he is the important focal point in the transition. Everything is possible with Jesus!  Just wait and see what new possibilities can happen through times of transition.


Heather V Shore is a wife, mother and domestic violence survivor. Check out her site for book updates and more!

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