Recently left a family weekend with happiness and sadness in my heart. It was so wonderful to see everyone and to catch up and hear about their lives. I also learned about family history and how some generational blessings and curses had entered into our family line. The conversations were fascinating and most importantly we had the beautiful privilege of praying over my aunt Mimi and her health. She has been such a blessing to so many around her through her love and care for others.
But as I left, I kept thinking, don’t you want to be free? My heart honestly ached as I listened to story after story of sickness and disease. See I believe in John 10:10, that he came to give us life and life more abundantly. I also believe that he sanctifies us from glory to glory. (2 Corinthians 3:18. “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.”) You don’t have to stay stuck; you don’t have to walk in bondage but can walk in freedom.
Why Choose to Stay There?
Change is hard and scary. When life throws curve balls at you, sometimes you duck and go back into the corner where it’s safe. But faith in Jesus doesn’t guarantee you safety. In fact, check my theology here, God doesn’t call us into safety. He calls us to tell others about the good news, to heal the sick and to cast out demons. Luke 9:1-2, “When Jesus had called the Twelve together, He gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” Those aren’t easy words! They are words which cause action. He was activating them to go out and spread the gospel and to share his heart. Jesus came to heal us, and he wants to heal us today too. His healing wasn’t for another time, it still applies today!
Find Help for Your Broken Heart
Most people don’t want to peer into their broken heart. It hurts. It hurts to look at the yuck, the lies we’ve believed, and the hurts we’ve caused others and others have done to us. But in God’s sweet kindness, there is goodness to repent. In repentance, we find healing for our heart. Our innermost being is where God wants to store his truth and wisdom. He wants you to operate from a place of wholeness. He didn’t come to just save you from sin, he came to set you free from and bring you into wholeness.
My Yeshua wants a relationship with you. He doesn’t want to sit on the sidelines of your life, but he patiently waits for us to invite him into every area. He wants to participate in your decisions, in your thought life, and in your speech. God wants to come alongside you, partner with you and bring His Kingdom into the world. BUT you have to be willing to sit with Him as different times and let Him heal your heart. Healing your heart makes you effective for the Kingdom.
The Power of the Tongue
Proverbs 18:21 has been on my mind a lot lately and kept playing it over and over again on the way home. It says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Bethel Church had a whole sermon on this and how to be mindful with your words. “When God spoke, light pierced through the darkness and the universe took form. We too have been entrusted with the invitation to partner with Him as we speak – an expression of His image that we are called to bear. It’s important that we are aware and mindful of the power of our words. Gossip perverts this supernatural gift of partnering with heaven through the words that we choose to speak. If God inhabitants our praise, who inhabits gossip?”
As His children, it’s our responsibility to speak with intention and for the purpose of edification. This is especially important when it comes to healing. This is our prayer: “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. ” Psalm 19:14. We will be a family who steward our words well, committed to releasing life, edification and the presence of God!”
Ask God to Help You
When it comes to your health and walking out healing, how can you partner with God? I believe in unpacking any lies related to this area with Holy Spirit will bring about the wholeness you seek. So, as you delve into this, pray over the questions below and ask Jesus what’s really in your heart. He will reveal what needs to be healed in order to walk into physical, emotional and spiritual healing.
Questions to Unleash the Box
- Where are you storing unhealth in your body, causing physical manifestations of illness?
- Do you feel you can surrender every area of your health to the Lord? Why or why not?
- Where is your unbelief hindering the Lord from working in all things?
- What do you need to believe for today about your health and healing journey?
- The fitness and health industry in the Western world is a control-oriented framework, including diet plans such as paleo or keto. They keep us out of balance. God’s way, instead, is always inside out, not outside in. Choosing health is to be in an emotional relationship with good. For example, do I eat even when I am not hungry? Food is to be nourishing and enjoyed. How have you engaged with the fitness and health industry in our culture?
- Ask the Holy Spirit to get to any root issue in your life or spirit that is in the way of healthy living. What is the Holy Spirit revealing to you as you pray?
Father, you see and know all, and nothing is hidden from you. You know the root of what is going on with our bodies, and you have power to provide full and complete healing and freedom. May we walk with you into all that is ours in Christ. We ask you to guide each of us in the steps you would have us take, lead us into all truth and into your wisdom, and bring about your desired purposes in our lives every step of the way. Thank you for our ability to trust and rest in you! We know all things serve your great and mighty plan, and you cannot fail in the good plans you have for us. You are greater than any other thing; may we fully rest in you. In Jesus’s name, amen.