2017 has already started out with interesting twists and turns. We are being awakened to different changes coming our way. Changes that aren’t easy, but could potentially yield long term gain for myself and family. As I’ve started navigating this there is still a general theme of wait. Wait and see what I do… Awakening …
Do What is Right, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly
Orlando This weeks events in Orlando have caught most people off guard. The terror and violence which occurred on June 12th is heart wrenching and sickening. I’ve been at odds with whether or not to write because I don’t like delve into political or social issues outside of my experiences. Experience can be our greatest teacher. The …
I Don’t Know What to Say
I don’t know what to say These last few weeks have left me wondering what’s going on in the world. I haven’t had the words to say to several events taken place in the lives of our loved ones. It’s left me feeling like no one is listening to the prayers of God’s people. Have …