Living abundantly is a hope for people who have gone through hard times or suffering. Living abundantly is defined as life abounding in fullness of joy and strength of mind, body and soul. It can also motivate a person to seek a change in their life. How does one go about creating an abundant life? …
How My Life is Changing After Cancer
Back in January life took a turn I didn’t see coming. When my doctor said my thyroid nodules had grown, I went ahead and had a biopsy done. The biopsy came back suspicious for thyroid cancer and two weeks ago, they took my thyroid out. Crazily the pathology came back with papillary thyroid cancer in …
Self-Righteousness Keeps Us from Compassion
Self-righteousness Impacts My Spirit This past August it became very clear with the launch of my book I would be moving towards healing. While writing my book, I was able to remove emotion and consequently didn’t shed a tear. Several people asked, ‘Was it cathartic writing your book?’ While my answer was yes, I thought …