The older you get the harder it is to maintain friendships. Life ebbs and flows, friends move away, and people move on to other circles. Moving this last year and additional health issues caused me to be in a funk. I wondered if this was my new reality or something else was happening. Part of …
Digital Detox
This summer I decided to do a digital detox. What a hard thing to tackle. It tested my patience to not be in the know. I wondered what was going on in others lives, but this time gave me space to be present with others. This is why it started in the first place, to …
Were You a Christian during Your First Marriage?
Where you a Christian? I’ve had people ask me if I was Christian during my first marriage. Some Christians find it hard to believe you can enter into a marriage like this and be a Christian. I beg to differ as I was personally naive and ignored the warning signs. An early twenty-something doesn’t always …