Finding Freedom

Finding Freedom

Finding freedom is a topic near to my heart. Freedom is something I’ve always craved in order to live life my way. But I realized my way wasn’t getting me too far. Most people long to be free. So many long to have an abundant life. What if there’s a different way to gain freedom? …

Hope in Hardship

Hope in Hardship

Hope in hardship is one of the themes of my story. Hope means holding onto courage when you feel like giving up. Courage keeps up moving towards hope. How does someone keep hope during hardship? Give yourself grace.  Grace is an undeserved gift. Sometimes the gift is recognizing you’re exactly where you need to be in …

love shouldn't hurt

What is Emotional and Psychological Abuse?

Abuse comes in many different forms leading to different consequences and reactions. Ultimately it is always about power and control. One definition of emotional abuse is: “any act including confinement, isolation, verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation,  or any other treatment which may diminish the sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth.”1 The perpetrator’s hope is to undermine …