Book Following God

4 Ways to Find Freedom

In my 20’s, I tried everything I thought would bring me happiness. I tried to fill a void with sex, food, alcohol, and shopping. Oh how I wish I had the money I spent after my divorce. Part of it was having the freedom to shop after being financially abused and part of it was being careless. This is where my journey veered into finding freedom. I wanted to be free from the things poisoning my life on a regular basis. Now, there is nothing wrong with shopping, sex in the right context and food. But when those things are controlling you, it can become a big problem. Let’s delve into the 4 areas which helped me find freedom.

Freedom in Identity

We all search to know who we are and wonder in the process what’s our purpose. Each person’s quest is looking to answer the age-old question, ‘Who am I?’ The truth is there is an answer, but most people aren’t willing to look to God. They search everywhere else hoping to fill that void. Once I came to know Christ, I realized there was an answer to my identity questions.

We have a new identity in Christ when we become a Christian. Learning this new identity and applying God’s truths can change our direction and attitudes towards our struggles. Our identity means we are children of God. In our deepest identity, we are also a saint, a child born of God, a divine masterpiece, a child of light, a citizen of heaven. (Beth Moore, Praying Gods Word) “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NKJV). We can relish the fact that we are a new creation and the old is gone. How do we apply this to our lives? Through adherence to God’s truth, which brings me to my next freedom.

Freedom in God’s Truth

Look to God’s truth in Scripture to find freedom. His words offer sovereign truths which can break us free from the bondage of this world. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Gal. 5:1, NIV, emphasis added). As you study His Word and look for freedom, you will discover that Christ came to set us free.

One of God’s goals is to open our eyes to the truth. He reveals Himself to those who choose to follow Him. God’s precepts or truths are there for us to consume and understand. “I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts” (Psalm 119:45). As you move forward in freedom, studying God’s Word is essential to finding Him and yourself. Doing Bible studies educate us in the truth that is available. God wants to reveal Himself to us. Let him by meditating on what He says about our freedom.

Freedom in Decisions

As adults, we need to learn how to make decisions and choices. And, guess what? We face the consequences of both our good and bad choices. Oh, my, I have made them both. When I made bad choices, my thoughts didn’t line up with God’s will for my life and, consequently, my decisions affected my life for years to come.

Every day, we face decisions — decisions that affect others and ourselves. Often though, what feels like the easy decision is not the wisest decision. God’s wisdom leads us to live the best life possible. He promises to give you His wisdom when you look for it. The only way to see it is by staying connected with Him. Then, we’ll live the life He designed for us to live.

Freedom from Ourselves

Ultimately, we all want to move forward and not repeat the same issues over again. It means letting go of all the things which keep us from finding our identity in the one who wants to set us free. True freedom is not the ability to do whatever we want. It means being free from ourselves so we can love and act without the fear of having anything to lose. True freedom is being free from ourselves.

This journey of finding freedom has been a complex and wonderful discovery of identity. Following God’s truth enabled me to make life-giving decisions and  finally lean into freedom. This freedom is something I relish and hope others discover for themselves. Finding and maintaining freedom is the only way to be truly free.


Heather V Shore is a wife, mother and domestic violence survivor. Check out her site for book updates and more!

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