Commit Your Plans to the Lord
Health Kids

Commit Your Plans

A few weeks ago, my husband and I were thrown a huge curveball. We found out I was nine weeks pregnant and didn’t know. It has been a whirlwind of crazy thoughts, pure exhaustion and asking questions like ‘how did this happen?’

After we found out, the verse Proverbs 16:3 was put in front of me. Proverbs says 16:3 “Commit your actions to the Lord and your plans will succeed.” I’ve been dwelling on it ever since because I had not committed one single thing to the Lord while making plans for our life. We had been planning a summer trip to Europe and every time we plan a trip, I became pregnant. Our infertility story can be read here:

How do you commit your plans?

In planning to space our children apart in age, we noticed it was all about ourselves. It was all about me and not at all about God. What does it look like to commit our plans to the Lord? There are some obvious things such as prayer, reading the bible to seek direction, writing in a journal to see life progress or regression and talking to your mentor.

What do you do when God decides your plans are not best and changes direction? Respond with joy and thanksgiving. One of the lessons learned during this season of motherhood is to respond with thanksgiving no matter the circumstances. Psalm 9:1 “I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.” Even if it isn’t on your time table, the Lord’s plan are to be responded to with praise. The more you practice praise, the easier it becomes.

God decided to truly mix things up and give us the gift of having our children 15 months apart. God also decided my husband Mike and I could handle this. The silver lining in this is that my husband will be done with grad school and I will no longer be doing parenthood alone. God will make a way regardless of the outcome and help anyone navigate that next big thing. Boy are we still in shock, yet excited at the next chapter in our life. Our 9 month old is excited to be a big brother!


Heather V Shore is a wife, mother and domestic violence survivor. Check out her site for book updates and more!

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